
Showing posts from January, 2023

Not Everything is Meant to be Defeated

Sometimes, the Heroes lose. Sometimes, the Heroes lose horribly. Not every threat encountered is meant to be defeated with violence - or is ever able to be overcome with violence regardless of how 'good' the group is. Not every threat can be negotiated with. Not every threat can be avoided. And this doesn't mean the GM is being malicious, or 'out to get the players' -- yes, there are game masters like that, but that's a different problem to discuss another time. No, this is the game master showing that - no matter how good the PCs are, there is always something out there bigger than them. A good GM gives warnings -- signs that things aren't right.      You come across a village - one that's not on any maps. The colours are grey, the people fidgety and you see strained smiles when you walk in.  One comes up to you, all smiles.      "Think happy thoughts," he says. "Only happy thoughts. Keep any angry thoughts or sad thoughts or anything els

The Path of Peace

First Published at ShintoNephilim Our playing group likes to open most encounters with parlay. It just happens to be their thing. If it is at all possible, the party tries to prevent combat - they'll talk things out, try to negotiate, look for common ground, and even win over enemies if there's an opportunity. The excuse that D&D is mostly a 'combat' game doesn't hold water. Yes, most of the rulebook is on how to hurt your opponents - but that doesn't mean that's the best path (or first option) people should take. There's social skills for a reason - so why not use them? "Well, I don't want the BBEG to be defeated with a single roll." Then think of a way to draw it out. How many successes are needed? Each success prevents combat for a few rounds, as the PCs try to work on the opponent's resolve. But it goes beyond this. In 1st edition Mummy (World of Darkness), they discussed what a character with higher-than-human social charms cou